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Tambourah Metals Ltd is advancing and developing critical minerals projects for a decarbonised future. The Company’s primary objective is the rapid exploration and development of its flagship Tambourah Gold and Lithium project in the Pilbara. The Tambourah goldfield is an is an advanced gold exploration project with lithium and gold development potential. Importantly, Tambourah Metals Ltd has an exciting opportunity for further regional growth through gold and lithium exploration at its Russian Jack and Nullagine projects in the East Pilbara. The Company’s other projects include the Achilles Ni-PGE-Cu-Au in the NE Goldfields and the advanced Cheela Gold project.
Tambourah Metals Limited (“Company”) is committed to complying with the highest standards of corporate governance to ensure that all of its business activities are conducted fairly, honestly and with integrity in compliance with all applicable laws. To achieve this, the Company’s board of directors (Board) has adopted a number of charters and policies which aim to ensure that value is created whilst accountability and controls are commensurate with the risks involved. The Board believes that the Company’s policies and practices comply with the recommendations set out in the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations – 4th Edition (Recommendations). Together with the Company’s constitution (Constitution), the following charters and policies have been adopted by the Company to achieve a high standard of corporate governance: